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Jump! Daddy wheel cachu!
Super fun podcast! Definitely recommend if you’re a Schwarzenegger fan!

Comedy & nostalgia
What a great podcast! These three very funny individuals weave comedy, nostalgia, cinema & a love for Arnold Schwarzenegger into a much enjoyable experience. This charming podcast hits on many levels but especially delightful for those of us who grew up on Arnold Schwarzenegger movies. And the ‘Joe Namath’ segment is always a treat.

Still the best of the Arnie themed podcasts!
I listened to two others about our 80s/90s icon but they weren't detailed or interesting enough and this one managed to show more recent expectations mixed in with nostalgia growing up seeing Arnold's films. The hosts got some amusing guests and manage to mix in some amusing sound clips from the special features of Arnold's films as well as his talk show and WWE appearances in the '90s/'00s.

Need this.